Foxen Waiver
When you enroll in the Foxen Waiver, your lease requirements are automatically satisfied. Your Property Manager waives the requirement that you purchase a renters insurance policy and waives your responsibility to reimburse the Property for damage you accidentally cause, up to $100,000, when the property damage is caused by:
To see the full terms and conditions of the Waiver program, please refer to your Property Announcement Letter and Lease Addendum.
The fee for enrolling in the Foxen Waiver is conveniently included in your monthly rent payment. There's no need to set up separate payment methods.
Save time by automatically enrolling at lease signing. Rather obtain your own renters’ insurance? No problem, just upload a copy to our website and you're set. Just make sure your policy meets the requirements needed to opt-out. Terms and conditions vary.
Upload proof of insurance Here