How do Property Managers report property damage?

Foxen requests notification of all incidents within 48 hours of any damage accidentally caused.

An Incident Report is provided to Property Managers to submit which includes a description of the incident, contact information of all the involved parties, and attachments including pictures and documentation pertinent to the incident.

  • The Property Manager is responsible for filling out the Incident Report. If you are a Property Manager and cannot locate your Incident Report, please reach out to your Customer Success Manager or and we will provide you with the Incident Report.
  • Please provide contact information for the Property, including phone numbers, emails, and other points of contact that can assist in answering questions about the incident and damages.
  • Remember to include specific details about the incident. A description of the incident, including the date/time that it took place, how it occurred, and the type of loss that occurred (fire, smoke, explosion, water discharge/overflow).
  • Please provide the responsible Resident's contact information. If the Property is on a Waiver program model that includes reimbursement for damaged personal contents, and the Resident has damaged contents, please have them provide an itemized list of property, including purchase price and dates.

Submit completed Incident Reports to or your assigned Customer Success Manager.

Once the Incident Report is submitted, an adjuster will be in touch with the Property Manager within 24-48 business hours.

As a reminder, the Foxen Waiver applies to certain accidental damage that an enrolled resident negligently causes and where the damage is from fire, smoke, explosions, and water discharge/overflow. For Property Managers, more details can be found in your TLL Waiver Insurance Policy.

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